Five Brothers and a War

Slide Number 11
Table of Contents4
Holland—The Name5
Holland—The Name6
Provinces of Holland (2014 Population )7
The Language8
The Dutch Language—Alphabet9
The Dutch Language—Diphthongs10
The Dutch Language—Consonants11
The Dutch Language—Double Vowels12
The Dutch Language—Vowel Combos13
The Dutch Language—Accents14
Dutch Naming Protocols—Given Names15
Dutch Naming Protocols—Given Names16
Dutch Naming Protocols—Surnames17
Geography—Population & Density20
Geography—Rivers and Water21
Geography—Rivers and Water22
Geography—Rivers and Water23
Geography—Rivers and Water24
Geography—Rivers and Water25
Geography—Rivers and Water26
Land Reclamation Through the Ages27
Geography—Rivers and Water28
Geography—Rivers and Water29
Geography—Rivers and Water30
Geography—Rivers and Water31
Geography—Rivers and Water32
Geography—Rivers and Water33
Religion in Holland40
Religion in Holland41
Religion in Holland42
Religion in the van Pelt House43
Religion in the van Pelt House44
History—Pre-history to 1400 AD45
History—Pre-history to 1400 AD46
History—Pre-history to 1400 AD Summary47
History—1400 to 1500 AD48
History—1400 to 1500 AD49
The van Pelts—1400 to 1500 AD50
The van Pelts—1400 to 1500 AD51
History—1400 AD Political Map52
History—1400 to 1500 AD Summary53
History—1500 AD Political Map54
History—1500 to 1600 AD55
History—1500 to 1600 AD56
History—1500 to 1600 AD57
History—1500 to 1600 AD58
History—1500 to 1600 AD59
History—1500 to 1600 AD60
History—1500 to 1600 AD61
History—1500 to 1600 AD62
Dutch National Anthem—Het Wilhelmus63
Dutch National Anthem—Het Wilhelmus64
The Dutch Flag65
History—1500 to 1600 AD66
History—1500 to 1600 AD67
History—1500 to 1600 AD68
History—1500 to 1600 AD69
The Sonnevelds—1500 to 1600 AD70
History—1500 to 1600 AD71
History—1500 to 1600 AD Summary72
History—1600 to 1700 AD73
History—1600 to 1700 AD74
History—1600 to 1700 AD75
History—1600 to 1700 AD76
History—1600 to 1700 AD77
History—1600 to 1700 AD78
History—1600 to 1700 AD79
History—1600 to 1700 AD80
van Pelts in America87
van Pelts in America88
van Pelts in America89
van Pelts in America90
The van Pelts—1600 to 1700 AD91
The Sonnevelds—1600 to 1700 AD92
History—1600 to 1700 AD Summary93
History—1600 AD Political Map94
History—1700 to 1800 AD95
History—1700 to 1800 AD96
The van Pelts—1700 to 1800 AD97
The Sonnevelds—1700 to 1800 AD98
History—1700 to 1800 AD Summary99
History—1700 AD Political Map100
History—1800 to 1900 AD101
History—1800 to 1900 AD102
History—1800 to 1900 AD103
History—1800 to 1900 AD104
History—1800 to 1900 AD105
History—1800 to 1900 AD106
History—1800 to 1900 AD107
History—1800 to 1900 AD108
History—1800 to 1900 AD109
History—1800 to 1900 AD110
History—1800 to 1900 AD111
History—1800 to 1900 AD112
History—1800 to 1900 AD113
History—1800 to 1900 AD114
History—1800 to 1900 AD115
The van Pelts—1800 to 1900 AD116
The van Pelts—Bartholomeus and Maria117
The van Pelts—Joost and Jenneke118
The van Pelts—Pieter and Leentje119
The van Pelts—Jan and Angenita120
The“Ancestor Paradox”121
The van Pelts—Pieter and Leentje123
The Sonnevelds—1800 to 1900 AD124
History—1900 AD Political Map125
History—1800 to 1900 AD Summary126
Den Haag127
Den Haag128
Den Haag129
Den Haag130
Den Haag131
Den Haag132
Capelle, Noord Brabant133
Capelle, Noord Brabant134
Capelle, Noord Brabant135
Capelle, Noord Brabant136
Leendert & Maria Geertruida van Pelt137
Leendert & Maria Geertruida van Pelt138
Leendert & Maria Geertruida van Pelt139
Leendert & Maria Geertruida van Pelt140
Spanish Flu Pandemic141
Sons and Daughters-in-law142
The Beach146
Hitler’s Rise to Power152
Horst Wessel Lied (“Song”)153
Hitler’s Rise to Power154
Hitler’s Rise to Power155
Hitler’s Rise to Power156
Hitler’s Rise to Power157
Hitler’s Rise to Power158
Hitler’s Rise to Power159
Marie Makes Clothes160
Marie Makes Clothes161
Marie Makes Clothes162
World War II Causes—World War I163
World War II Causes—World War I164
World War II Causes—World War I165
Modern Contextual Parallel166
Modern Contextual Parallel167
Modern Contextual Parallel168
Modern Contextual Parallel169
Modern Contextual Parallel170
Modern Contextual Parallel171
Move to Den Haag172
Move to Tomatenstraat 265173
Leendert & Maria Geertruida van Pelt174
Model A Ford184
Model A Ford185
Model A Ford186
Model A Ford187
Model A Ford/Chevrolet188
Vacation to Belgium—1935191
Hitler Prepares for War—1935192
Re-Militarism of the Rheinland—1936193
A Day in the Life of the van Pelts194
Move to Margrietstraat 20195
Move to Margrietstraat 20196
Move to Margrietstraat 20197
The Backyard Today198
Move to Margrietstraat 20199
Margrietstraat 20200
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor201
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor202
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor203
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor204
Margrietstraat Entry205
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor206
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor207
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor208
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor209
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor210
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor211
Move to Margrietstraat 20212
Move to Den Haag213
Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor214
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor215
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor216
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor217
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor218
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor219
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor220
Margrietstraat 20—Middle Floor221
Margrietstraat 20—Top Floor222
Margrietstraat 20—Top Floor223
Margrietstraat 20—Top Floor224
Leendert & Maria Geertruida van Pelt225
Spitballs from the Vijver226
Dutch Football227
Margrietstraat 20228
van Pelt Football229
van Pelt Football230
van Pelt Football231
van Pelt Football232
Vacation to Soesterberg—1936233
Vacation to Soesterberg—1936234
Vacation to Germany—1936235
Vacation to Germany—1936236
Vacation to Germany—1936237
XI Olympiad—1936 Summer Games239
XI Olympiad—1936 Summer Games240
XI Olympiad—1936 Summer Games241
XI Olympiad—1936 Summer Games242
Prins Bernhard243
Prins Bernhard244
Prins Bernhard245
1938—The Austrian Anschluß246
1938—The Austrian Anschluß247
1938—The Austrian Anschluß248
1938—The Austrian Anschluß249
1938 German Vacation250
1938 German Vacation251
The Sudetenland252
The Sudetenland253
The Sudetenland254
Vacation in Belgium257
Vacation in Belgium258
Piet in Luxembourg259
Piet in Luxembourg260
Bletchley Park265
Poland—The Curzon Line268
Waffen SS269
Waffen SS270
Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB)271
Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB)272
Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB)273
Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging (NSB)274
Nazi Military275
Nazi Military276
Dutch Military277
Dutch Military278
Dutch Military279
Luftwaffe Superiority280
German Strategy Regarding Holland281
German Strategy Regarding Holland282
Leendert and Marie as War Breaks Out283
Holland “Prepares” for War284
Holland “Prepares” for War285
May 10, 1940286
May 10, 1940287
May 10, 1940288
May 10, 1940289
May 10, 1940290
May 10, 1940291
May 10, 1940292
May 10, 1940293
May 10, 1940294
May 10, 1940295
May 10, 1940296
May 10, 1940297
May 10, 1940298
May 10, 1940299
May 10, 1940—Dutch Air Force300
May 10, 1940301
May 10, 1940302
May 10, 1940303
May 10, 1940304
May 10, 1940305
May 10, 1940306
German Occupation—May 10, 1940307
German Occupation—May 11, 1940308
German Occupation—May 12, 1940309
German Occupation—May 13, 1940310
German Occupation—May 14, 1940311
German Occupation—May 18, 1940312
Dutch Government Flees to England313
Dutch Government Flees to England314
Dutch Government Flees to England315
May 14, 1945—Dutch Capitulation316
May 14, 1945—Dutch Capitulation317
German Propaganda for Children318
German Propaganda for Children319
May 14, 1945—Dutch Capitulation320
Dutch Capitulation321
The Population Flees322
Dutch Capitulation323
Dutch Capitulation324
Dutch Capitulation325
Dutch Capitulation326
May 1940327
Billeting of German Soldiers328
Arthur Seyß-Inquart329
Arthur Seyß-Inquart330
Arthur Seyß-Inquart331
Arthur Seyß-Inquart332
Arthur Seyß-Inquart333
Arthur Seyß-Inquart334
Arthur Seyß-Inquart335
Arthur Seyß-Inquart336
Nazi Control in Den Haag337
Nazi Control in Den Haag338
Nazi Control in Den Haag339
The van Pelt Automobile340
Critical Vehicles Powered by Natural Gas341
1940 Summary343
1940 Summary344
1940 Summary345
1940 Summary346
December 31, 1940/January 1, 1941347
February 1941 Strike348
February Strike349
Jews in Holland350
The Holocaust351
Jews in Holland352
Jews in Holland353
(Kaiser) Wilhelm II in Holland354
(Kaiser) Wilhelm II in Holland355
“V” for Victory356
“V” for Victory357
Piet’s Access to Exercise Park358
Operation Barbarossa359
USA (finally) Enters War360
1941 Summary361
1941 Summary362
1941 Summary363
1941 Summary364
Atlantikwall Area, 1940, 1945, 2014371
The Lammerse Family381
Bertus Caught in the Exclusion Zone383
Bertus Caught in the Exclusion Zone384
Wartime Football385
Ration Card386
Identity Papers387
Identity Papers388
A van Pelt Night Out391
A van Pelt Night Out392
A van Pelt Night Out393
A van Pelt Night Out394
A van Pelt Night Out395
1942 Summary396
1942 Summary397
1942 Summary398
Prinses Margriet399
Prinses Margriet400
Prinses Margriet401
Prinses Margriet402
Prinses Margriet403
1943—Food Supply Becoming Scarce404
1943—Food Supply Becoming Scarce405
1943—Food Supply Becoming Scarce406
1943—Food Supply Becoming Scarce407
1943—Food Supply Becoming Scarce408
1943—Food Supply Becoming Scarce409
Help for Marie410
Help for Marie411
Help for Marie412
Dutch Enslavement Begins413
Jan’s Enslavement in Germany414
Jan’s Enslavement in Germany415
Jan’s Enslavement in Germany416
Jan’s Enslavement in Germany417
Jan’s Enslavement in Germany418
Jan’s Enslavement in Germany419
August 29, 1943—Silver Anniversary420
Experiments with Lighting421
Experiments with Lighting422
Experiments with Lighting423
Education in Holland424
Education in Holland425
The van Pelt Schools429
Education Summary430
School—Leen and Piet432
School—De Populier433
Dalton HBS435
Dalton HBS436
Dalton HBS437
Dalton HBS438
The Bike-jacking441
The Bike-jacking442
The Bike-jacking443
The Bike-jacking444
The Bike-jacking445
Education—Courtesy of the Nazis446
1943 Summary447
1943 Summary448
1943 Summary449
1943 Summary450
1943 Summary451
Vergeltungswaffe (“Vengeance Weapons”)457
V-1 “Buzz Bomb”458
V-1 “Buzz Bomb”459
V-1 “Buzz Bomb”460
V-1 “Buzz Bomb”461
V-1 “Buzz Bomb”462
V-2 Rocket463
V-2 Rocket464
V-2 Rocket465
V-2 Rocket466
V-2 Rocket467
V-2 Rocket468
V-2 Rocket469
V-1 and V-2 Program470
Dolle Dinsdag (“Crazy Tuesday”)471
Dolle Dinsdag (“Crazy Tuesday”)472
Dirk van der Lecq473
Dirk van der Lecq474
Autumn 1944—Liberation of the South475
The South is Liberated476
Autumn 1944—Liberation of the South477
Liberated South478
Operation Market Garden—Sep. 17-25, 1944479
Operation Market Garden—Sep. 17-25, 1944480
Operation Market Garden—Sep. 17-25, 1944481
Operation Market Garden—Sep. 17-25, 1944482
Operation Market Garden—Sep. 17-25, 1944483
Neighborhood Bombing484
Neighborhood Bombing485
Razzias at Home493
Razzias at Home495
Razzia at the Neighbors’ House497
The First Razzia at the van Pelt Home498
The First Razzia at the van Pelt Home499
The Second Razzia at Home500
Razzia at Home501
The Razzia at Putten502
Rotterdam Razzia503
Den Haag City-wide Razzias504
Den Haag Razzia505
Den Haag Razzia506
Den Haag Razzia507
Den Haag Razzias508
Razzia Memorials/Monuments509
Woodworking Project510
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers511
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers512
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers513
Hiding in Ottoland514
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers515
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers516
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers517
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers518
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers519
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers520
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers521
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers522
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers523
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers524
Leen and Kees—Onderduikers525
Aantjes Update526
Occupation vs. Liberation527
Hongerwinter (“Hunger Winter”)528
Hongerwinter (“Hunger Winter”)529
Hongerwinter (“Hunger Winter”)530
Hongerwinter (“Hunger Winter”)531
Hongerwinter (“Hunger Winter”)532
Bertus in the Resistance533
Wim van Rossum534
Wim van Rossum535
Wim van Rossum536
1944 Summary537
1944 Summary538
1944 Summary539
1944 Summary540
1944 Summary541
1944 Summary542
Indigostraat Disaster—January 1, 1945543
Indigostraat Disaster—January 1, 1945544
Indigostraat Disaster—January 1, 1945545
Indigostraat Disaster—January 1, 1945546
Indigostraat Disaster—January 1, 1945547
Indigostraat Disaster—January 1, 1945548
Major V-2 “Accidents” in Den Haag549
V-2 Rocket Memorial550
Haagse Bos—March 3, 1945551
Haagse Bos--March 3, 1945552
V-1 and V-2 Program553
V-1 and V-2 Program554
V-1 and V-2 Program555
V-3 Super Cannon556
Impact of Southern Liberation557
Impact of Southern Liberation558
Logistical Problems Portend Future Issues559
Koningin Wilhelmina’s Plea for Help560
Eisenhower Memo561
Swedish Relief Efforts562
Swedish Relief Efforts563
Swedish Relief Efforts564
Canadian Advance to the North565
Germans in Western Holland Trapped566
Canadian Advance567
Jan’s Liberation568
Jan’s Liberation569
Jan’s Liberation570
Jan’s Liberation571
Jan’s Liberation572
Jan’s Liberation573
Jan’s Liberation574
Queen and Crown Princess Return575
Operation Manna/Chowhound576
Operation Manna/Chowhound577
Operation Manna/Chowhound578
Operation Manna/Chowhound579
Operation Manna/Chowhound580
Operation Manna/Chowhound581
Operation Manna/Chowhound582
Operation Manna/Chowhound583
Operation Manna/Chowhound584
Operation Manna/Chowhound585
Operation Manna/Chowhound587
Operation Manna/Chowhound588
Operation Manna/Chowhound589
Operation Manna/Chowhound590
Operation Manna/Chowhound591
Operation Manna/Chowhound592
Operation Manna/Chowhound593
Operation Manna/Chowhound594
Operation Manna/Chowhound595
Operation Manna/Chowhound596
Operation Manna/Chowhound597
Operation Manna/Chowhound598
Operation Manna/Chowhound599
Hitler Commits Suicide600
Hitler Commits Suicide601
Hitler Commits Suicide602
Life at Liberation—May 4, 1945603
German Capitulation604
German Capitulation605
German Surrender—May 4, 1945606
German Surrender—May 4, 1945607
German Capitulation608
German Capitulation609
German Capitulation610
German Capitulation611
German Capitulation612
Wageningen Terms of Surrender613
Wageningen Terms of Surrender614
Wageningen Terms of Surrender615
German Capitulation616
German Capitulation617
German Capitulation618
“Germany Capitulates”619
Victory in Europe (VE)620
German Capitulation621
German Capitulation622
Cost in Human Life623
Cost in Human Life624
Seyß-Inquart Arrest634
Seyß-Inquart Arrest635
National Reprisal636
National Homecoming637
Amsterdam, May 7638
The Canadian Army639
Canadian Victory Celebrations640
Canadian Victory Celebrations641
Canadian Victory Celebrations642
Canadian Victory Celebrations643
Canadian Victory Celebrations644
Canadian Victory Celebrations645
Canadian Victory Parade646
Celebrations and Departure647
Anton Mussert Arrested and Executed648
Anton Mussert Arrested and Executed649
Life After Liberation650
Back to “Normal”651
Canadian Sacrifice652
A Grateful Nation654
A Grateful Nation655
A Grateful Nation656
A Grateful Nation657
A Grateful Nation658
A Grateful Nation659
A Grateful Nation660
A Grateful Nation661
A Grateful Nation662
Margriet Return to Ottawa663
Yousaf and Malak Karsh664
How Did Ordinary Germans Do This?665
How Did/Does it Happen?666
How Did/Does it Happen?667
Target Practice, van Pelt-Style668
Target Practice, van Pelt-Style669
Target Practice, van Pelt-Style670
1945 Summary671
1945 Summary672
1945 Summary673
1945 Summary674
1945 Summary675
1945 Summary676
1945 Summary677
1945 Summary678
Nürnberg Trials679
Nürnberg Trials680
Nürnberg Trials681
Nürnberg Trials682
Nürnberg Trials683
Nürnberg Trials684
Nürnberg Trials685
Nürnberg Trials686
Nürnberg Trials—Judgment687
Nürnberg Trials—Judgment688
Nürnberg Trials—Judgment689
Nürnberg Trials—Sentencing690
Nürnberg Trials—Sentencing691
Nürnberg Trials—Executions692
Summary of Major War Criminals Trials693
Nürnberg Trials694
The Double Wedding695
The Double Wedding Dinner696
Finishing School697
Finishing School698
Finishing School699
Bertus Says Goodbye to His Dad700
Bertus Says Goodbye to His Dad701
Leendert van Pelt (1887-1947)702
Private Bertus van Pelt703
Backyard in Margrietstraat704
Leendert Diagnosed with a Brain Tumor705
Leendert van Pelt (1887-1947)706
Leendert van Pelt (1887-1947)707
Leendert van Pelt (1887-1947)708
Leendert van Pelt (1887-1947)709
Leendert’s Funeral710
Eik en Duinen Cemetery711
Eik en Duinen Cemetery712
Leendert van Pelt (1887-1947)713
Five Brothers and a Father714
In-laws in Den Haag715
In-laws in Den Haag716
Maria Geertruida (Sonneveld) van Pelt717
Marie Moves from the Margrietstraat718
Marie’s Last Days719
Maria (Sonneveld) van Pelt (1885-1970)720
Bruynzeel Article in “Kontakt”721
Translation of Bruynzeel Article in “Kontakt”722
Postscript: Leendert “Leen” van Pelt (1920-1976)723
Postscript: Leendert “Leen” van Pelt (1920-1976)724
Postscript: Leendert “Leen” van Pelt (1920-1976)725
Postscript: Pieter “Piet” van Pelt (1921-1979)726
Postscript: Pieter “Piet” van Pelt (1921-1979)727
Postscript: Pieter “Piet” van Pelt (1921-1979)728
Postscript: Jan Gijsbertus van Pelt (1924-2011)729
Postscript: Jan Gijsbertus van Pelt (1924-2011)730
Postscript: Jan Gijsbertus van Pelt (1924-2011)731
Postscript: Jan Gijsbertus van Pelt (1924-2011)732
Postscript: Jan Gijsbertus van Pelt (1924-2011)733
Postscript: Jan Gijsbertus van Pelt (1924-2011)734
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt735
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt736
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt737
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt738
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt739
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt740
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt741
Postscript: Cornelis (“Kees”) van Pelt742
Kees & Flora’s Golden Wedding Anniversary743
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt744
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt745
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt746
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt747
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt748
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt749
Postscript: Gijsbertus “Bertus” van Pelt750
Mini Reunions751
Mini Reunions752
The End753
Slide 1: Foreword2
Slide 754754 - 755
Slide 755756 - 757
Slide 756758 - 759
Slide 757760 - 761
Slide 758762 - 763
Slide 759764 - 765
Slide 760766 - 767
Slide 761768 - 769
Slide 762770 - 771
Slide 763772 - 773
Slide 764774 - 775
Slide 765776 - 777
Slide 769784 - 785

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