Five Brothers and a War

Religion in the van Pelt House

< The Bethlehemkerk was on the corner of the Laan van Meerdervoort and several other streets, including the Azaleaplein and the Laan van Eik en Duinen. The cemetery where Leendert, Marie and Leen were buried, Eik en Duinen, was on the Laan van Eik en Duinen.

> The Bethelkerk at the corner of the Mozartlaan and the Händellaan, which is a continuation of the Hoefbladstraat across the Laan van Meerdervoort.

After services, at noon, the family would head home for a cup of coffee, with some form of sweets, followed by the large, hot meal, which was typically served at about 1:30 or 2:00pm. If any visitors came > The Bethelkerk has had its vegetation grow wildly over the years. Inset photo dated 1939.

van Pelt

over, they would have to leave prior to the meal being prepared, unless one of the boys became impatient and started cooking, to ensure that the smell of the food would reach the living room to give a hint that it was time to wrap up the visit. Once the meal was over, Kees and Bertus might “go for a walk”, which usually ended up meaning listening to a radio broadcast of a football game at a friend’s house. Even a dull game sounded exciting when the commentator did his magic. The day was supposed to be spent in quiet activity or contemplation, not dealing with football. Monopoly, card games and actual walks through the dunes were standard pastimes. The evening meal was usually made up of sandwiches.

Five Brothers and a War

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