Boone & Boone Construction, Ltd.


Flint Baptist Church Christian Life Center Flint Baptist Church Worship Center Geneva Presbyterian Church School Building (Tyler) Good Shepherd Episcopal Church Parking Lot Good Shepherd Episcopal Church (Tyler) Classroom Addition Green Acres Baptist Church Campus Improvements Phases 1 & 2 (Tyler)

Jarvis Christian College Student Dormitories (Hawkins) Jarvis Christian College Student Housing (Hawkins) Mt. Calvary Baptist Church New Sanctuary (Tyler) New Heights Baptist Church New Facility (Wylie) Northside Baptist Church Activities Building Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church (Jacksonville) Prince of Peace Catholic Church (Whitehouse)

Red Oak Missionary Classroom/Gymnasium Building Southern Baptist Convention Student Center (Tyler) St. Jude Catholic Church Facilities St. Mary’s Catholic Church School Building (Longview) St. Paul's New Fellowship Building West Erwin Church of Christ Family Life Center Westwood Baptist Church Roof Collapse/Sanctuary Repairs (storm damage)

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