Five Brothers and a War

Margrietstraat 20—Ground Floor

A hat and coat rack were installed high on the hallway wall on the right between the dining and living rooms. The opposite, left, side was the burgundy-carpeted staircase wrapping around upstairs. Under the staircase was a cold kelder , (“cellar/pantry”)—a step or two down. It had shelves from bottom to top on the long, far side that would hold the foodstuffs Marie would squirrel away for times of need. Those times would come soon enough. Its entry was next to the WC, which had a toilet and a small corner sink. The kitchen was utilitarian, with a gas stove on the left, a continuous countertop with a sink at the end. There were upper and lower cabinets. The opposite side had a more open layout, with a work table and a full-height cabinet at the end. The floor had a checkerboard linoleum.

van Pelt

View of the Entry hallway, with the hangklok , hat and coat rack.

Five Brothers and a War

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