Five Brothers and a War
Move to Margrietstraat 20
The flowers relevant to this immediate neighborhood are:
As an interesting coincidence, this Daisy variant ( Leucanthemum vulgare ) is a Marguerite, or in Dutch, Margriet . Princess Margriet was named after the flower, which had come to symbolize resistance to the Nazis in Holland, and was the name of the street where the van Pelts spent the war, the Margrietstraat.
The next street over was the Speenkruidstraat , named after the speenkruid , a yellow flower. In English, this is the Common Celandine ( Ranunculus ficaria ).
The street that connected the Margrietstraat and the Speenkruidstraat was the Phloxplein (“Phlox Square”), named after another flower, the Phlox ( Phlox paniculata ).
van Pelt
To get to the Phloxplein , one would have to travel on the Hoefbladstraat , named after the Tussilago (Tussilago farfara) flower.
The other way to get to the Margrietstraat , or the Speenkruidstraat , would be on the southern approach, using the Lobelialaan (“Lobelia Lane”), named after the Lobelia ( Lobelia erinus ).
Five Brothers and a War
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